Youth Programming
Children and teens are the driving forces of communities and are the future of the world. Real Freedom understands that in order to protect future generations, an equitable and healthy life must be provided to them. Youth Freedom Fighter Movers who suffer from many different issues by living in hardest to serve communities, such as poverty, poor education, and racial prejudice, are more likely to have a difficult time in the future. Poverty can be generational when resources are not provided to individuals and communities that need the support and are being underserved and undervalued.
And this generational poverty can carry on for years negatively impacting so many individuals that just needed more help from their governing bodies to live sustainable lives. Not only are their financial effects of poverty as well, but psychological ones on the youth in these communities. Poverty can cause a lot of mental health problems, including, but not limited to, anxiety and depression amongst the children and teens; this shows that improving communities and different parts of their lives holds much importance for future generations.
Because of the possible issues amongst youth in the communities, Real Freedom strives to create programs that benefit their educational skills alongside providing their families affordable housing. Through the youth author’s program, we try to give the youth in areas we work with a voice they necessarily wouldn’t have before. Seeing the need for recognition in literacy and the lack of story being told about us but not written by us, the Young Author’s Program will partner with local schools and their feeder schools to allow young scholars the opportunity to share their voice. Each participant will write a short story with the opportunity to have it published in a book filled with short stories from their peers.
Young Author Series
Seeing the need for recognition in literacy and the lack of story being told about us but not written by us, the Young Author’s Program will partner with local schools and their feeder schools to allow young scholars the opportunity to share their voice. Each participant will write a short story with the opportunity to have it published in a book filled with short stories from their peers. Depending on the number of participants, the number of short stories will change. We will select the winning scholars based on a set of criteria that is still in development. The goal is to make this either annually or quarterly depending on funding, interest, and support, and changing from one school at a time. This goal will be achieved with a partnership with CPS/ local publishing company for printing and distribution.
A majority of youth who suffer from poverty also suffer from poor literacy and struggle with reading and comprehension so many years into their adulthood. Many youths in juvenile courts as well suffer from literacy issues which can indicate a pipeline between poverty in communities and the likelihood of negative outcomes in life.
By focusing not only on housing but literacy amongst the youth, we are making sure the youth do not feel underserved or unvalued. A lot of these children and teens not only need a good place to live, but also other important resources.
Youth Scholarship
In addition to supporting more educational opportunities for children and teens in these areas, we have created a youth scholarship program. The youth scholarship program provides a lump sum amount of money to students that qualify and the amount of the scholarship depends on the resources Real Freedom has that year. It is a way to provide more financial support to families who do not have all the resources available to support their child’s educational goals.
Real Freedom understands that affordable housing is not the only thing they will make these communities more equitable and so we strive to provide other resources to build sustainable futures for the individuals we interact with.
Sport Leagues
The Real Freedom Fighter’s Band and Real Freedom Fighter’s Sport’s League. Real Freedom focuses on communities and children. Real Freedom in partnership with the city park district sponsors neighborhood sports baseball, football, and basketball teams. Real Freedom works with local coaches and staff to get students involved in these important programs to improve their mental and physical well-being. Real Freedom recognizes the importance of community and our future generations!
Together We All Can Find Real Freedom
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